What is Print Film
Emulation LUT (PFE)?

Print Film LUT simulates the post-print appearance of your image before it’s actually printed on a target film material. Before printing, you can see an almost accurate representation of the film’s density and color response on your grading monitor. Applying a print LUT is one of the best and easiest ways to get a film-like appearance in digital footage. Color correcting and all the essential processes will still be necessary, but the results will be far more impressive and complex than any color-grading LUT you’ve ever used.

We’ve taken a step further by reworking the Print LUT into a 2383 Print Film Davinci Resolve Power Grade. It’s fully editable and offers a more powerful palette for your creative vision.

How to use FilmForever™
& what’s included?

In order to make sense of FilmForever’s large number of Power Grades, let’s take a closer look at what’s offered. There are four grade styles at the primary level: 2383 Rebuild, 2383 Creative, 2383 3-Strip, and 2383 Technical. Let’s examine each style in further detail.

2383, Rebuild Power Grade

This is by far the simplest re-build of the 2383 LUT. A really robust starting point if you are aiming for a minimal grade with minimal effort. You can manipulate the 2383 core grade itself to your liking within the building blocks of the Power Grade.

2383, Creative Power Grade

This grade is the same as the base “2383 Rebuild” along with a “creative” node in the initial blocks. This node shifts the entire palette to a much more modern-minimal film color palette.

2383, 3-Strip Power Grade

This one incorporates Technicolor’s 3 strip process in place of the usual subtractive color technique. In earlier days the image used to be shot on 3 different channels and was later merged into one during the development process. In our Power Grade, 3 channel process works on a channel level to provide a detailed replica of technicolor’s lab processing.

22 Page User-Guide Included

We’ve included an extensive 25-page user guide in the zip file that elaborates each and every node in our FilmForever™ Power Grades. Everything from setting up to finishing touches.

For Non-Resolve users

If you don’t own the studio version then we have recreated our base grades within non-studio version capabilities. They should work just fine and give you the freedom and flexibility of our main Grades.

Pro Features
  • Negative Film LUT Node
  • Non-destructive Subtractive Color
  • Creative Nodes
  • Green’s Fix
  • Tone Manager (Warm vs Cold)
  • Extensive Manual Control
  • 11.3 GB Film Frames & Textures
  • Luminance Grain Emulation
Resource download
PriceVIP only
Only VIP downloadUpgrade VIP


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